Client Policies

Please be advised of Simply Attuned’s policies for all services. You will receive a printed copy of these policies at your first visit. Your signature will be required to signify your acceptance of these policies prior to receiving any form of treatment or service from Simply Attuned.


A 24-hour notice is required for cancellation of an appointment, or you will be charged in full for the appointment. Payment is due before your next appointment. You are responsible for paying the missed appointment or any late cancellation fees. If the appointment was part of a pre-paid package of sessions, the canceled session will be deducted from your remaining balance of sessions if the cancellation request was received in less than 24 hours from the scheduled session.

Cancellations received at least 24 hours in advance incur no fees or penalties.

Simply Attuned reserves the right to discontinue service for clients with a history of canceled appointments. If this is the case, however, we will discuss the issue with you directly and first try to find a resolution that works for both parties.

How to Cancel

Respond to any of the email appointment reminders or call (920)474-6084 at least 24 hours prior to your appointment to cancel. Please leave a message if no-one is available to take your call. Cancellations received at least 24 hours in advance do not incur any fees or penalties.


Appointment times are as scheduled and cannot extend beyond the stated time to accommodate late arrivals. Please be on time to your appointment. As a good rule of thumb, aim to arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment. If the room is available, your appointment can begin early and still end at the scheduled time. If you arrive late, however, your appointment will still end at the previously scheduled time. This policy was put in place out of courtesy and respect to all clients as well as to myself as the practitioner. Everyone’s time is valuable.

Missed Appointments

Missed appointments are considered “spent” and you will be charged in full. Simply Attuned has several methods in place to help remind you of your appointment. Yes, “things happen” that can’t always be avoided and we are happy to discuss them with you to find a resolution.

You are responsible for paying the missed appointment/late cancellation fees. Payment is due before your next appointment.  If the appointment was part of a pre-paid package of sessions, the missed session will be deducted from your remaining balance of sessions.

Simply Attuned reserves the right to discontinue service for clients with a history of missed appointments.


Please cancel your appointment as soon as you are aware of an infectious or contagious condition. Massage/bodywork is not appropriate care for infectious or contagious illness. If it is within the 24-hour notice period, the cancellation fee may be waived.

Financial Responsibility

Simply Attuned does not currently accept payment from insurance. You are responsible for all charges for the services provided on or before the date of the service.

Cash or credit card payments are accepted for all new clients. Sorry, no personal checks. Established clients in good standing may request to pay via check. All major credit cards are accepted.
Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express

Detailed Health History

All clients are required to complete a detailed health history form prior to their first appointment. Health History forms are considered part of your medical records and are kept confidential.

Because massage should not be performed under certain medical conditions, all my known medical conditions must be shared with Simply Attuned.,All questions on the Health History Form must be answered honestly. You are responsible for keeping your therapist updated as to any changes in your medical profile.  Simply Attuned will not be held liable for the client’s failure to do so.

Release of Medical Records

All medical records are kept confidential. Your signature is required to authorize the release of all of your medical records on file in this office. Spouses and/or other family members will not have access to your information via hard copy or conversation without your written consent. Files may be released for the purpose of processing your claims, to the following: your attorney, the health care providers attending to this condition, and the insurance case managers. Medical records will not be edited unless otherwise stated in an exclusive release of medical records signed by your attorney.

Privacy During Massage

A private room is provided or dressing and undressing. You may also use the space provided for storing personal items during your session. Per Wisconsin state law, draping is used throughout the session. Private areas of the body, including breasts and genitalia, are covered at all times. This policy covers men, women, and minors.

Simply Attuned drapes using the “midline” style. Only the area being massaged is exposed at any given time. When massaging the gluteal area (buttocks), the drape is placed midline to expose either the left or the right gluteal area for massage. If you are uncomfortable with midline draping, massage can be modified and provided through the drape or undergarments. Alternatively, you may request to have the gluteal massage avoided altogether. Please let your massage therapist know your preferences. This is your session and we want you to be completely comfortable.

Type of Massage Provided

Massage provided through Simply Attuned is for the basic purpose of relaxation and relief of muscular tension.  As such, a variety of services are available. If you experience any pain or discomfort during this session, immediately inform your massage therapist so that the pressure and/or strokes may be adjusted to your level of comfort.

Simply Attuned provides full body massage. This includes head, neck, face, shoulders, arms, hands, abdominals, anterior and posterior legs, gluteals, and feet. You may request areas to be skipped if desired. This is your session and we want you to be completely comfortable. Please let your therapist know your preferences.

Contraindications of Massage

Massage should not be construed as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment. By Wisconsin state law, all licensed massage therapists are required to refer you to a physician, chiropractor or other qualified medical specialist for any mental or physical ailment of unknown origin. Massage is contraindicated under certain medical conditions. Simply Attuned reserves the right to request written consent from a physician prior to massage.

Massage therapists are not qualified to perform spinal or skeletal adjustments, diagnose, prescribe, or treat any physical or mental illness. Nothing said in the course of the session given should be construed as such.

Treatment of Minors

No bodywork or meditation services will be provided to individuals under the age of 18 without written consent from a parent or legal guardian. All children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Please discuss any concerns or questions regarding these policies with your therapist.

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