In March of this year (2019) my husband and I were inspired to create our own company called EnerVibe.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for a long time and I’ve known that my passion is helping others to succeed and lead happier, healthier, more abundant lives. 

Everything I’ve been doing has been leading up to something, but I haven’t been certain as to what exactly that was — at least not until we decided to start EnerVibe together.

EnerVibe - Moving Humanity Forward

I’ve been a digital marketer for years, helping companies to look and sound their best through a variety of digital mediums such as online ads and social media and copywriting. I’ve also been an energy worker and massage therapist for a number of years now, helping individuals to feel better and to live healthier lives.

In the fall of 2018, I started a podcast called Simply Authentic that allowed me to reach a wider audience and talk about topics that might help listeners have a shift in perspective and discover a bit more about the Truth of who and what they are and what they’re capable of. It started as a marketing podcast under a different name and after just one episode shifted to a broader audience and became Simply Authentic.

The podcast was certainly a new adventure for me, but I knew right away that the podcast had opened up a whole new level of helping people. I could tell that I had just aligned with my purpose more fully and I wanted to find a way to do that even more. EnerVibe is making that possible.

EnerVibe Brings Everything Together

Through EnerVibe our goal is to help move humanity forward by empowering individuals like you to focus your energy and set your intentions to raise the quality of your life and experiences.  As EnerVibe we are working to provide the tools, the foundation and the guidance necessary for you to raise your vibration and energetic level to achieve success in your life, whatever that looks like for you.

Personal growth, a life of passion, abundance, success and more doesn’t have an age limit, a financial requirement, a gender or a race. These things are achievable for everyone, no matter who you are or where you are on your journey.

Our goal is to reach as many people as possible and to help make personal growth, happiness, health, abundance, and love a reality for everyone who is ready to take the next step.

Moving Mountains

My husband and I are both forward thinkers and life-long learners. We don’t give up easily. In fact, if you tell me “no” or that something can’t be done, I’ll only try harder until I find a way.

We don’t believe anything is impossible. Together we have accomplished so much and when our energy is combined for a single purpose and focus, we can move mountains. There is always a solution and there is always a way.

We have learned and continue to learn so much through our life journey. With EnerVibe, we can share what we’ve learned and help others to take the next step toward BETTER.

What’s In a Name?

The name EnerVibe was created by combining the words “energetic and vibrations.” Everything is made of energy. Your body, your thoughts, your emotions, your experiences, the food you eat, the ground you walk on – everything. You have access to this energy and you use this energy all day long without realizing it.

When you raise your energetic vibration the things you desire come to you more quickly. And when you raise your energetic vibration, the vibrations of those around you also increase.

The more of us that start taking steps (or leaps and bounds, really) toward the life we desire filled with passion, happiness, abundance, and love, the more we can help all of humanity to move forward.

What Does This Mean for Simply Attuned?

  • The popular services offered by Simply Attuned will continue to be available.
  • Going forward, you will see EnerVibe branding on all communications from Simply Attuned.
  • Programs and offerings from Simply Attuned will be modified to align with the mission and vision of EnerVibe wherever necessary.

Learn More About EnerVibe

To learn more about EnerVibe, visit our website at For a limited time, you can also become a founding member of our EnerVibe Tribe. Founding members receive exclusive discounts and access to EnerVibe programs and courses prior to the public. As a founding member, you also gain access to a private group on Facebook and more. Visit our website for details.

You can also follow us on your favorite social media platform.
Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

We look forward to serving you on your life journey through EnerVibe.

Keep moving forward!

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