by Jeneen Stickney | Soul Growth
I was looking through some stock photography today and I came across this photo of a little girl blowing bubbles, and it dawned on me, that our lives are a little bit like bubbles. Life is Like a Bubble We come from a place that’s full of love and wonder....
by Jeneen Stickney | Soul Growth
Like many of us, you were probably never taught as a child how to recognize your emotional triggers. You may not have been taught how to deal with intense emotional feelings when they occur either. As adults we take these things for granted and we forget that learning...
by Jeneen Stickney | Soul Growth
This week, I’ve been talking about Forgiveness and the power it has to change our lives for the better. In my last article, I shared with you a story about my own journey of healing around forgiveness. Today what we’ll be discussing is how you can...
by Jeneen Stickney | Inspiration, Soul Growth
>> The Power of Forgiveness – Now you can also listen to this article via my Simply Authentic podcast. I read a lot of books. One of the books that I go back and reference regularly is a book by Diane Harmony called 5 Gifts for an Abundant Life. In it, she...
by Jeneen Stickney | Inspiration, Soul Growth
>> In time, Love Will Always Overcome Fear – Listen to this episode on my Simply Authentic podcast where I talk about how the door to my healing and forgiveness has been opened. Healing takes time and we can’t always do it alone. Every week I join an...
by Jeneen Stickney | Soul Growth
When you hear the phrase, “Think Positive” what type of thoughts does that bring to mind? What does it mean to you? Does it mean ignore all negativity and just be positive at all times? Does it mean to always view the cup as half-full instead of...